Our Worship
What is worship like at CRBC?
The worship at CRBC is God-centered, simple, and reverent.The focus is on the basic Biblical elements of prayer, singing of praise (psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs), Scripture reading, preaching, and the observance of the sacraments/ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We attempt to order our services according to the Regulative Principle of Worship, which means we strive to include only those elements in worship which the Lord commands in Scripture.
What is the preaching like?
Preaching is at the center of the worship service. The sermons at CRBC are generally based on verse by verse expositions through whole books of the Bible. On Sunday mornings, we are currently in a series through the Gospel of Matthew. On Sunday afternoons, we are currently in a series through our church's confession of faith. You can listen to CRBC sermons and teaching on at sermonaudio.com.
What is the music like?
The musical aspects of our worship focus on the congregational singing of hymns and psalms from the Trinity Hymnal and the Trinity Psalter. Musical accompaniment is minimal when used.
When and how do you observe the Lord’s Supper?
At CRBC, we regularly host the Lord’s Supper during Lord's Day afternoon worship services. We invite all who are baptized believers and who are in regular membership with a local, visible church to join us in partaking of the Lord's Supper when it is served. We encourage those who are unsure of their participation to allow the elements to pass and find a later time to speak with the pastor.
Do you have lunch every Sunday?
Yes. We host a covered dish lunch following the morning worship service each Sunday. We have found this to be an encouraging time of fellowship and conversation. There is no planned menu and paper products are provided. We simply eat what folk bring to share. Many families bring crock pots to plug in before the service. Microwave ovens are also available for use on site to warm things up. Visitors do not need to bring anything to share and are welcomed to stay for lunch as our guests.
What about children in the worship service?
We are a family friendly church. Many Sundays as many as half of our congregation consists of children and youth. We encourage parents to train their children to participate in the worship services. We are used to the sounds of children in the congregation. We want those who are in the process of training their children for worship participation to feel comfortable in our meetings. There is a "crying room" available for nursing mothers or those who need to care for very young children which has an audio monitor for listening to the service. Nursery help for very young children (ages birth to two years) is also provided as needed.